How to Get the Most Out of Super Foods When Trying to Prevent Breast Cancer

So many of us are trying to prevent breast cancer, or fight it, and we know it’s important to incorporate superfoods into our everyday diet. They are loaded with antioxidants, minerals, and all of those wonderful nutrients our bodies crave more than ever. Superfoods give you that balance in nutrition that makes your energy level go up after 2 pm, instead of taking a nosedive because you had a refined white sugary snack. You really should have had a handful of lush grapes and a hot cinnamon tea instead of a handful of cookies and a can of soda.

We often forget that what we put in our body will have an effect on our mind and energy levels. And over time that will weigh on us both physically and mentally. Even more importantly, the foods we invite to be a part of our everyday diet can cause bigger problems for us down the road. While we want to focus on prevention, and ultimately a feeling of good health, we also want to eat the right foods that will fight away diseases that can harm our bodies.

Take Super Foods to the next level of prevention.

When we think of food, so often we only think of the act of consumption. But, when we are thinking about prevention, we need to factor in more than just simply incorporating more blueberries and eggs into our diets and less processed foods. Here are a few ways to get the most out of your superfoods, and have better success at prevention, while improving your quality of life.

  • Start a Garden. Be sure you choose foods that grow easily in your region, and if you have never gardened before, start small so you don’t get overwhelmed. Perhaps, you should begin with a simple herb garden, or pick two vegetables that you love. Gardening will not only give you super foods but will give you exercise and get you outside. Plus, there is no better feeling than making a dish that includes the fresh herbs and vegetables you tended to.
  • Find a local outdoor market. Most areas will have an outdoor market or farmers market where local farmers sell their fresh vegetables, fruits, and poultry products. Shopping at an outdoor market gives you the fresh air you need and helps you to be physically active. These are also fun places to people watch. And when you go home to munch on your fresh food, you will be happy that you supported your local community.
  • Pick a food you haven’t tried since childhood. Our taste buds change, and it is not uncommon that what you detested as a child, you may actually like now. If you haven’t had Brussels sprouts in twenty years, it’s time to try them again. If your mother always steamed them, you should try sautéing them lightly on olive oil. Or pick a few different recipes to test so you know which way is the best for you. You’ll probably surprise yourself. And you’ll improve your cooking skills while you’re at it! 

While superfoods are great on their own, there’s nothing like connecting them with your childhood, the outdoors, local communities, and new experiences. This way you have connected your mind, body, and spirit in a way that makes you stronger, and makes it easier to prevent and fight illnesses, both large and small.

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